Look at how this article is all about alimony and $$ / Rs. but has a misleading headline !!!
In India, the quantum of alimony revolves around a mysterious "standard of living" which the wife suddenly assumes just ONE day after she marries the husband !!!
She might have been a pauper all her life, she might be earning to maintain her maiden status, but becomes "suddenly accustomed" to a standard of a living of the husband, even IF it was just a short wedding !!
Then FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE the Indian husband is supposed to keep paying her alimony to maintain that standard of living !!!! ...yes I am not joking....
Alimony per month is computed and then compounded to arrive at astronomical "limp sums" that men need to pay
Millions of Indian men do NOT understand this and are being lead to the gas chambers !!
In many cases EVEN if men loose their job, they aren't spared
============ news =============
Courts asked to focus on reuniting families
TNN Nov 28, 2012, 01.41AM IST
INDORE: "All the judges have been given instructions to stress on reuniting families and take efforts to avoid separation or divorce, even if there is one per cent possibility of rapprochement," said justice K K Lahoti of Madhya Pradesh high court here on Tuesday.
Lahoti said courts are asked to take cases related to marriage discord, divorce, maintenance, child custody, adoption and execution of court orders related to maintenance after divorce. Courts have also been empowered to take the help of counsellors to resolve issues related to marriage and divorce.
"Children are biggest sufferers of divorce or separation of their parents so main motive while resolving these cases should be to unite the family," Lahoti added.
Going by Justice K K Lahoti's observation, these cases, especially divorce cases involve issues of alimony where the husband is directed to pay certain amount as legal cost towards maintenance of his wife.
The bench decides the amount considering husband's income and lifestyle. Here one of the main factors includes whether the wife is a working lady, and if yes, whether her earnings are sufficient to sustain the style of living she is used to.
However if a woman claims higher alimony than man can afford, the court takes the right decision favouring the man.
He also remarked that though there has been no case until now where the husband claims for permanent maintenance after divorce, but in case such situation arises where the husband is unemployed and wife is earning, required measure would be taken to support him.
He clarified that women are entitled for maintenance after divorce even if she is working.
"If earning of working women is significantly low as compare to earning of husband and if she is not able to maintain the standard of life like she use to have with her husband. In this working women are also entitled for maitainance so that she can lead a standard of life as equivalent of her husband," said Lahoti.
Going by the records, there have been times where men use tactics to conceal their income, or quit their jobs to avoid paying high maintenance/alimony. The court, in such cases is suspicious enough to take note of these circumstances.
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