Wednesday, September 18, 2013

woman runs away to FB 'friend', LAWYER husband accused of murder and jailed !!!

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Woman 'killed' by husband returns, was visiting facebook friend

HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times  Muzaffarpur, September 18, 2013

First Published: 18:49 IST(18/9/2013) | Last Updated: 18:56 IST(18/9/2013)

Languishing in jail for the past 16 days for killing his wife for dowry, 25-year-old Manjit Kumar finally got a respite after his wife was found very much alive at the Muzaffarpur railway station.

A civil court lawyer, Manjit married 21-year-old Neha Kumari on April 28 this year. On August 26, Neha's mother lodged an FIR claiming that Manjit and his family members had killed her daughter for dowry and disposed of her body.

"The family members of my son-in-law not only murdered my daughter, they even got her body secretly disposed of," wrote Poonam Devi in the FIR.

She further alleged that Manjit had an illicit relationship with another girl and he wanted to get rid of her daughter. "He demanded Rs. 4 lakh as dowry and used to beat my daughter," she said in the complaint.

Confirming Neha's 'arrest' from the railway station, Muzaffarpur town deputy superintendent of police (DSP) Upendra Kumar said on Wednesday evening that she was being questioned.

"We are quizzing her. Soon, we will be able to get to the bottom of the matter and find out what she had been up to and whether her parents had a hand in her disappearance," said the DSP.

Another police source claimed Neha had confessed that she was away "visiting a facebook friend in Darbhanga" during the duration of her disappearance. However, the police didn't confirm this.


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